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November 2013: Tips, eNews & More!

While we’re all nursing our candy hangovers from Halloween, the leaves have already changed. Time sure flies! But before we get carried away and start thinking about the holiday season and New Year’s, we should take the time in November to get things done and gear up for winter!

Follow these tips on how to prepare for the colder months, and you’ll be relaxing without a worry. What’s better than watching the snow fall from your favourite chair in your pajamas?
  • Make sure you’re well-equipped for the winter. The first snowfall and sub-zero temperatures can come quickly, so make sure you take your winter jacket, gloves, and hat out of storage along with your winter boots.

  • Keep the yard tidy now and reap the rewards in the spring. Rake and bag leaves while they are dry. Cut, weed and feed the lawn. Clean up after your pets to avoid finding any frozen fossils come spring time!

  • Put away the hoses and shut off the water. You’ll avoid frozen pipes and the associated damage it can cause.

  • If you have a humidifier, clean it and make sure it works. You should also change the air filters in your furnace and test it to make sure the heat is working. Don't forget to change the battery in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home.

  • Are you letting heat escape or cold air in? Take a look at the caulking around your windows and if the seal could use some improvement, it may be time for a trip to the hardware store.
Taking care of the tasks on this winter checklist will help get your home through the colder months and make next year’s spring cleanup a breeze!

There are also several websites that offer tips on how to prepare places such as apartments, condos, and cottages for each season. A little work now can go a long way in preventing any discomfort during the wintertime, as well as allow the whole family to participate in these activities.

Is it time for a cleaning or to have your dental work completed?

If your dental benefits are based on the calendar year, your maximums may not roll over into the New Year. If you don’t use them they may go to waste. Call us today or click here to request an appointment and we will find a time that fits your schedule.

Have a safe and healthy month,

Dr. Tsang and Team

Are You Putting Your Smile Under Pressure?

Watching a thrilling movie or the championship game can be a 'nail biting' experience.The excitement has us sitting at the edge of our seats, our hearts pounding... and some of us even taking the 'nail biting' aspect literally.

How does nail biting affect your teeth?

The primary issue with nail biting is the pressure it puts on your front teeth. These teeth are not built to withstand the same amount of pressure that your molars are. Nail biting can cause the enamel protecting your teeth to fracture as well as wearing down and chipping the edges. Despite being the hardest substance in your body, enamel is by no means invincible.

Click here to learn more about how nail biting affects your oral health!

Wholly Guacamole!

Guacamole with peas, who knew they'd make a perfect pair? Why with peas? Not only do peas give this dip substance, they also add fibre, protein and vitamins. They are also green which goes nicely with avocado!

Avocados are full of healthy essential fats, extremely satisfying and make a great base for a dip. There are so many great ways to enjoy this delicious guacamole. Try it with corn chips, on sprouted bread, in a wrap or topped on a salad!

Click here for the full recipe!

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